XYZ Registry’s Anti-Abuse Program

The XYZ Anti-Abuse Team diligently monitors abuse for the XYZ Registry, which owns and operates the popular .xyz domain ending, as well as 34 additional new Top-Level Domains (TLDs). To report abuse of any XYZ Registry TLD, please open a ticket at or email

For over a decade, XYZ has maintained a sophisticated abuse monitoring process used to proactively monitor, detect, and stop unacceptable use of domains under its management. The Anti-Abuse Team suspends domains that are engaging in any activities in violation of the XYZ Acceptable Use & Anti-Abuse policies.

From .com to .xyz, bad actors exploit multiple services across the internet, including top level domains, hosting companies, registrars, and other online platforms or products. Each service chooses how they will handle abuse, and there are very few requirements that are enforced globally. XYZ chooses a zero-tolerance approach, choosing to go beyond monitoring and acting on abuse. As an example, XYZ regularly initiates further investigation into bad actors with our registrar partners, collaborates in cybersecurity with expert companies and independent researchers, and promptly complies with law enforcement on important operations.

The XYZ Registry remains committed to tackling abuse as a matter of principle and ethical responsibility. It takes a village across the internet industries to continually work at stopping abuse online.

How XYZ defines abusive use of a domain

The XYZ Acceptable Use & Anti-Abuse policies prohibit DNS abuse such as spam, phishing, the distribution of malware, or any other type of illegal activities.

How XYZ coordinates with partners

XYZ delivers comprehensive daily domain suspension reports to our registrar partners. The Anti-Abuse Team additionally flags suspicious registrations for review, such as a large number of new domains created in a short period of time. XYZ’s enhanced initiatives target abuse at its source by addressing the actions of bad actors or registrants. Since registrars maintain direct customer contact and have the ability to identify domain ownership, these efforts are pivotal in preventing abuse.

What happens when a domain is suspended

When the XYZ Anti-Abuse Team suspends a domain, a "serverHold" status is applied, effectively disconnecting the domain from the DNS. This deactivation prevents the domain from causing any further harm.

How abuse is detected and reported

The XYZ Anti-Abuse Team has developed strong partnerships with many of the industry’s leading cybersecurity data providers to help identify and eliminate bad actors. XYZ is a member of APWG and IWF, partnered with Spamhaus, and a supporter of the DNS Abuse Framework.

XYZ monitors abuse through our proprietary in-house system and also offers a 24/7 abuse feedback platform at Anyone can report abuse of .xyz or any XYZ TLDs and the Anti-Abuse Team will investigate.

If you wish to partner with XYZ in combating abuse, please reach out and join us in our efforts to create a safer online environment.

How to report false positives

If you believe a domain has been suspended based on inaccurate information, you can contact the XYZ Anti-Abuse Team at


If you have any questions, please contact us at: